Monday, September 03, 2012


The waterfront in Williamsburg (north Brooklyn) has changed a LOT in the last few years. It used to be abandoned lots, collapsing piers, and graffitied dead end streets. Now it's high-rise condos, waterfront parks and vicious competition for parking spaces. Progress, I guess.

We visited the playground in the new waterfront park, expecting it to be as pristine as the rest of the neighborhood, but it seemed like someone had built it and then let it just sit there, getting more and more overgrown with weeds. Felt like a little slice of the good old days. And what a view!


At 7:50 PM, Blogger clairesd said...

Goofy I-roc!

At 7:50 PM, Blogger clairesd said...

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At 4:40 AM, Blogger graMoM said...

waht is that lil man doing? standing up!! no, not yet; you are still a baby... not a 'tod-wo', yet!


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